Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

Do you know what a lot of people waste their time on today? Vain talk (or laghw in Arabic)! Useless talks that include backbiting, gossiping, carelessly commenting on social media posts, etc. The vain talk used to solely be an issue when a group of people gathered together, but with the advent of smartphones and social media, it’s now a serious issue. Without knowing one may easily fall into a major sin of slander or gossip.

Would you like to waste away the blessing of time that Allāh gave you? Or use it to engage in a sinful act? Any not beneficial talk could be sinful. If you truly believe in Allāh and the Last Day, either speak good or remain silent. By that, you’re safe! Mu’adh Ibn Jabal reported (as recorded in al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr): The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Verily, you will continue to be safe as long as you remain silent. If you speak, it will be recorded for you or against you.”

Brethren, it’s Yawm Al-Jumu’ah again! Let those who attend Jumu’ah prayer be silent and listen attentively to the Imām while he’s delivering the Khutbah. Remember, it’s not permissible to speak to others, even if that’s to tell them to be quiet. Whoever does that has indeed engaged in vain talk (i.e. spoken inappropriately).

I beseech Allah to help us guide and guard our tongues. (Aameen).

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