Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allah.

There was a trainee in carpentry that didn’t complete his training. But, he obtained a space somewhere and placed signage for people to patronize him.  So, he was a day given the roofing work (of a building). After project completion, the house owner packed into his house. During raining season, the carpenter’s ineptitude became established (through the poor roofing work he did), as water found its way into the rooms. Please, in this case, who should be held responsible?

This is the similitude of an acclaimed doctor (who is not qualified for the medical profession) having an unregistered hospital. But, he attends to people when taken to him with different treatments; giving drips, injections, drugs, et cetera. In this case, if a patient should die in his hands, he shall be held responsible for the patient’s death.

In Sunan Abi Dawood, ‘AbduLlah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘As (RadiyaLlahu ‘Anhuma) narrated that the Prophet () said: “Anyone who practices medicine when he is not known as a practitioner will be held responsible.”

Isn’t this the situation of some hospitals, especially in the African countries? More so, this Hadith equally indicates that a qualified doctor shall not be held responsible for the death of a patient, as he’s known to be a professional in the field of medicine. Sincerely, mastery of any subject one is studying is imperative.

I beseech Allah to protect our lives and properties. (Aameen)

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