Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

Naturally, we try to avoid contact with Allāh when we do something shameful or embarrassing (i.e. sin). Here, Shaytan takes chance by whispering to us about not repenting to Allāh. So, when one listens to Shaytan, he considers himself not worthy of Allāh’s Mercy, distances himself from Him and thereby advances in transgression. But, a true slave of Allāh becomes saved from this web of Shaytan by returning to Allāh immediately with sincere repentance. If Shaytan overpower you by making you sin, you should defect him too by repenting to Allah.

Respected Brethren! We have none to forgive us except Allāh. Hence, one should offer sincere repentance to Allāh whenever one transgresses thru recognition of one’s transgression, taking responsibility for it, showing remorsefulness, and repenting to Him and promising no more transgression. Allāh says (in Surah Az-Zumar [39] verse 53): “Say: O ‘Ibadi (Allah’s Slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allāh forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

I beseech Allāh to forgive our sins and shortcomings. (Aameen)

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