Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

There was an honored Jewish man in Yathrib, known for his moral virtues. When he heard about the coming of the last Prophet (ﷺ), he began to enquire about him – his name, lineage, qualities, time and place and compared the information with what is contained in Torah. From this, he became satisfied with the truth of his Prophethood and avowed the truth of his mission.

Then came the day when the Prophet (ﷺ) migrated to Yathrib. Without delay, he went out to meet him. The Prophet (ﷺ) turned to him and asked: “What is your name?” “Al-Husayn Ibn Salam,” he replied.  “Instead, it is (now) ‘AbduLlah Ibn Salam,” he said (giving him a new name). “Yes, I agreed. ‘AbduLlah Ibn Salam (it shall be). By Him who has sent you with the Truth, I do not wish to have another name after this day.” He returned home and presented Islam to his household and they all embraced it. ‘AbduLlah Ibn Salam (RadiyaLlahu ‘Anhu) approached Islam with a soul thirsty for knowledge.

Therefore, he was deeply attached to the Prophet (ﷺ) and was always in his company. He was fervently devoted to the Quran; reciting and studying its sublime verses. He also spent much of his time in the Masjid; engaged in worship, learning and teaching. More so, he was known among other companions as a man from Ahlul-Jannah (the people of Paradise).

I beseech Allāh to be Especially Merciful to ‘AbduLlah Ibn Salam. (Aameen)

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