Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

The lure of wealth, the intoxication of greed, they seduce the unwary, leading them astray, step by step, until they find themselves lost in a wilderness of sin, far from the light of righteousness, far from the path of salvation. Yet, those who indulge in unlawful wealth-making may be blind to their peril, ensnared by the very poison they chase, a poison that dulls their conscience, clouds their judgment, and hardens their heart.

Subḥānallāh! All that glitters isn’t gold. A Ḥadīth came to mind. The Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said: “If you notice that Allāh continues to bless an individual with that which he loves of this world, while that person persists to indulge in sin, know that this is leading to his destruction.” [Silsilah As-Ṣaḥīḥah 1/700] Yes, he thinks it’s good for him. But, in an actual sense, it’s otherwise.

More so, Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymīn (Raḥimahullāh) said: “Money which is earned by disobeying Allāh is nothing except a person being led to his destruction step-by-step while he perceives not, as Allāh says: ‘Those who reject Our Āyāt, We shall gradually seize them with punishment in ways they perceive not. And I will give them time. Certainly, My Plan is strong.’ — [Sūrah Al-A’raf (7): 182-183] So fear Allāh, fear Allāh.” [Majmoo’ Fatāwā wa Rasā’il pg. 35]

Verily, earning money through unlawful means is a treacherous path that promises riches but delivers destruction. We all want a good life, however, a true Muslim knows that the only true wealth, the only true success, lies in the Pleasure of Allāh. To seek wealth through disobedience to Allāh is to sacrifice eternity for the fleeting pleasures of this world, to trade Paradise for a handful of glittering dust. So, he turns his face from the allure of unlawful worldly riches, choosing instead to walk the path of righteousness, the path that leads to the Pleasure of Allāh and the treasures of the Hereafter.

I beseech Allāh to save us from Shayṭān‘s deceptive whispering that we must make it in life even if it’s through unlawful means. Aameen.

Picture Credit: Freepik

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