In the Name of Allāh.
I perceive life as a river flowing through various channels. When a river’s course becomes obstructed, it relentlessly strives to carve a new path. It is essential to understand that achieving success requires persistence. Challenges are an inherent and unavoidable part of this journey. The key is to keep moving forward until one reaches their destination. Therefore, a fundamental secret to immense success is to never, ever, give up! Allāh states: “And that man can have nothing but what he does (i.e. strives for).” [Sūrah An-Najm (53): 39]
Now, consider how to make this year’s Ramaḍān your best; is it truly easy? Reflect on it — fasting, performing both compulsory and voluntary prayers, reciting the Qur’ān, chanting other Adhkār (Remembrance of Allāh), participating in knowledge circles, giving charity, and refraining from sins, and more. Are these tasks simple? Thus, steadfastness is crucial — more effort and greater DRIVE are required. I once came across a powerful quote that resonates with me: “The amount of DRIVE you apportion to your dream will be the extent to which it materializes.” Indeed, for this year’s Ramaḍān to be fruitful, one must dedicate oneself diligently.
Imām Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (Raḥimahullāh) remarked: “Know that a believer combines himself in the month of Ramaḍān between two Jihād (against) his Nafs; Jihād in the day upon fasting and Jihād in the night upon Qiyām (voluntary prayer) so whoever gathers between these two Jihād and fulfills (what) is of their rights, will be sufficed with a reward which is without any account (i.e unlimited).” [Laṭā’if al-Ma‘ārif 171]
This blessed month awakens the hero within us — a champion of steadfastness and patience, armed with the sword of determination and shielded by righteousness. Our triumph is ultimately with Allāh, the Most High.
I beseech Allāh to grant us the resilience to resist temptation, the wisdom to seek His Forgiveness, and the strength to overcome our weaknesses, so we can be among those who experience a productive Ramaḍān. Aameen.
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