Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allah.

Perfect Praise is to Allah, the Entirely Munificent and the Especially Gracious. It’s Yawm Al-Jumu’ah (Friday) again, the best of all days (in the week). This day indeed demands special attention as it’s an extraordinary day because of its exclusive boons. I’m sure we won’t want to miss out. There is no doubt that the one who loves this worldly life and does not think about the Hereafter will not be worried about the Last Hour. However, the one who truly fears Allah and believes in the Last Hour is different.

Remember, the Last Hour is when everyone will stand before Allah (Our Lord), for recompense of our actions whilst on earth.

In Sunan Ibn Majah, Abu Lubaaba Ibn Abdul Mundhir (RadiyaLlahu ‘Anhu) reported that the Holy Prophet () said: “…On that Day (i.e. Day of Jumu’ah) will occur the Resurrection. There is neither any Angels nearest (to Allah) nor any heaven nor the earth nor the wind, a mountain, and sea but all of them fear the Day of Jumu’ah (Friday).”

In addendum, in Sunan Abi Dawood, Abu Hurayrah (RadiyaLlahu ‘Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah () said: “…And on it, the Last Hour will take place. On Friday, every beast is on the lookout from dawn until sunrise in fear of the Last Hour, but not the Jinn and Men…”

Brethren! What if the Last Hour commences today? How prepared are you? Have a contemplation!

I beseech Allah to make us conscious Muslims and grant us success in this life and the Hereafter. (Aameen)

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