In the Name of Allāh.
Unlawful intakes, “wining and dining,” you say? Nay, O Muslim, for such is a slippery slope, a path strewn with thorns, leading to destruction and damnation.
“But we are just enjoying ourselves,” some may argue. Let me rebuke your argument with an Ḥadīth. Jābir reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever has faith in Allāh and the Last Day, let him not sit at a table over which Khamr (intoxicant) is being served.” [Sunan At-Tirmidhī 2801]
Let them call you uncivilized; you shouldn’t care, because civility is not getting intoxicated or harming oneself. That’s rather inanity! Undoubtedly, intoxicants befog the mind and take away reason. Allāh warns: “And do not kill yourselves.” [Sūrah An-Nisā’ (4): 29] How many people have killed themselves or others from suicide, murder, diseases, etc., due to the intake of intoxicants? So, intoxicants are considered Ḥarām.
You don’t take intoxicants, Alḥamdulillāh! However, you must ever be ready to turn your back on the siren song of the drinking events (where intoxicants are served) and divorce yourself from evil companions, from those who would lure you down the path of evil. If we can’t help ourselves to grow in religiosity and spirituality, we must let ourselves go.
Dear brethren! Upon us is steadfastness in faith, in commitment to Allāh, and finding our solace, our joy, in His worship, in His Love.
I beseech Allāh to grant us Istiqāmah in our faith and our lives so that we can avoid the evils of intoxication and the seductions of evil companions. Aameen
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