Nourishing your soul.


Today, let’s talk about Shayṭān, the cunning foe of mankind. Allāh tells us: “Verily, Shayṭān is to man an open enemy!” [Sūrah Yūsuf (12): 5] Know that Shayṭān is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, always seeking to deceive us. He’s so cunning and relentless in his plots against us.

With his whispers, Shayṭān leads us astray, into the darkness of disbelief, disobedience, and indecency. He makes Ḥarām seem enticing, makes us forget the consequences, and seduces us into sin. And why? Because he wants us to share his fate, to burn in the flames of Hellfire alongside him.

Allāh warns: “O you who believe! Do not follow the footsteps of Shayṭān, and whosoever follows the footsteps of Shayṭān, then, verily he (i.e., Shayṭān) commands Fahsha’ [i.e. to commit indecency and lewdness (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.)] and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islām, etc.)]…” [Sūrah An-Noor (24): 21]

Notably, Shayṭān‘s whispers are like a deadly disease, slowly eroding our faith and morality. However, with the remedies of Qur’ān and Sunnah, and the weapons of constant remembrance of Allāh, Ṣalāt, and Eeman, we can inoculate ourselves against his venomous words.

Therefore, let us not fall prey to the schemes of this sly foe. Let us be vigilant, aware of his tactics, and avoid his traps. Let us stand firm, unmoved by the winds of Shayṭān‘s whispers, and seek refuge in Allāh, the Most Merciful. We must be relentless in our devotion to Allāh, in our steadfastness on the path of righteousness. As you go about your day, let the message of this article be a light that guides you against Shayṭān‘s schemes.

I beseech Allāh to grant us the strength to stand tall against Shayṭān‘s whispers and guide us to the straight path, the path of those upon whom is His Favor. Aameen.

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