Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

Dear brethren, take heed, for one who rejects the teachings of Islām and deviates from the path of righteousness will find themselves in a dangerous situation, for their sins shall be their shackles. Those who consistently disobey Allāh should recognize that this is a punishment from Allāh — neglecting the daily Ṣalāwat, avoiding Qiyām al-Layl, abstaining from fasting during Ramaḍān and the voluntary ones, while instead relying on worldly affairs, indulging in clubbing, consuming alcohol, engaging in Zinā’, and partaking in Ribā, among other transgressions. Abū al-Ḥasan al-Mazni (Raḥimahullāh) remarked: “Sin after sin is the punishment of sin, and good deed after good deed is the reward of good deeds.” [Ṣifat Aṣ-Ṣafwa 2/226]

Don’t be surprised! The inability to engage in voluntary Qiyām and Siyām without any Sharī’ah justification stems from one’s sins. Anas Ibn Mālik (Raḍiyallāhu ‘Anhu) said: “Verily a person may be prevented from night prayer and fasting during the day due to a lie he has told!” [Shu’ab Al-Eemān 4547] Also, Al-Fuḍayl Ibn ʻIyāḍ (Raḥimahullāh) stated: “If you can’t pray at night and fast during the day, then know you have been deprived and shackled! Your sins have shackled you!” [Latā’if al-Ma’ārif 46]

A prevalent characteristic among such individuals is their wickedness. A corrupt heart becomes cold and unfeeling, numbing to the plight of the oppressed and neglecting the needs of the poor. With every sinful act, the heart loses its sensitivity until it hardens like stone, barren of mercy and compassion. These are the individuals who have an excessive attachment to this world, display disdain towards the less privileged, and only show concern for others when it serves their interest. Makhḥūl (Raḥimahullāh) conveyed: “The most tender-hearted people are those with the least sins.” [Ar-Riqqah wa al-Bukā’, Ibn Abī ad-Dunyā 66]

When one persists in defying Allāh and becomes indifferent to others, the path to redemption lies in sincere repentance to Allāh and striving to minimize one’s sins while engaging in numerous good deeds. It is narrated that ‘Āishah (Raḍiyallāhu ‘Anha) advised: “Sin less! For you will not meet Allāh with anything better than fewer sins.” [Az-Zuhd Li Wakī’ 2/535]

Indeed, the door of Tawbah (repentance) remains open, and Allāh’s Mercy, the Most Merciful, is boundless. Sorrowing over one’s misdeeds and wholeheartedly returning to Allāh is a soothing remedy that heals the soul, tenderizes the heart, and purifies the mind. Remember, dear brethren, that sin is a disease of the soul, and its remedy lies in humility and repentance.

I beseech Allāh to soften our hearts with His Abundant Mercy and empower us to turn away from sins and embrace righteousness. Aameen.

Picture Credit: Gettyimages

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