Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

Undoubtedly, all praises are due to Allāh; the Giver of goodness. Alḥamdulillāh, it’s Friday! Verily, the Muslims are promised a great reward when they attend Jumu’ah prayer and listen to the Khutbah (Friday sermon) – listen to it silently, do not jump over people’s shoulders, and do not hurt or disturb others.

As reported by Abu Dāwūd (Raḥimahullāh) in his Sunan, ‘Abdullāh Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘As (Raḍiyallāhu ‘Anhuma) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Three types of people attend Friday prayer; one is present in a frivolous way and that is all he gets from it; another comes with a supplication, Allāh may grant or refuse his request as He wishes; another is present silently and quietly without stepping over a Muslim or annoying anyone, and that is an atonement for his sins till the next Friday and three days more, the reason being that, Allah says [in Sūrah Al-An’ām (6) verse 160]: “He who does a good deed will have ten times as much.” Who (among these three) are you?

I beseech Allāh to grant us the inherent boons in today’s Jumu’ah. (Aameen)

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