Nourishing your soul.


In the Name of Allāh.

Respected brethren! When we stand in prayer, let us remember that Khushū’ (humble reverence) is the key to unlocking the true essence of Ṣalāh (prayer). It is not only about the physical act of praying, but the spiritual connection that we make with Allāh.

Allāh says: “Successful indeed are the believers: Those who offer their prayers with Khushū’ (humble reverence, solemnity, and full submissiveness)…” [Sūrah Al-Mumenoon (23): 1-2]

Explaining this verse, Imām Ibn Kathīr (Raḥimahullāh) said: “Khushū’ in prayer is only attained by the one who has emptied his heart, who does not pay attention to anything else besides it, and who prefers it above all else. At that point, it becomes a delight and a joy for eyes.” [Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr 23/2]

Think about it, when your heart is filled with distractions, when your mind is wandering to worldly matters, are you truly engaging in Ṣalāh? No, you are merely going through the physical parts of it. With the level of distractions in this contemporary time, I just hope what the Prophet (ﷺ) said about our Khushū’ is not yet happening.

Abu Darda reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The first thing to be taken from this nation will be Khushū’ (humble reverence) until you will see none from it humbling himself.” [Musnad ash-Shāmiyyīn lil-Ṭabarānī 1561]

So, let us strive to be truly present in our prayers. Let us push the distractions aside, let us focus our hearts and minds on Allāh, and let us be fully aware of His Presence. Only then can we achieve Khushū’, and only then can we truly experience the beauty and serenity of Ṣalāh.

I beseech Allāh to grant us the strength to achieve Khushū’ in our prayers and our lives. May He guide us on the path of righteousness, and make us of the truly successful ones in this life and the next. Aameen.

Picture Credit: Gettyimage

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